Palm Pre FAQ

Gizmodo has an up-to-date Palm Pre FAQ.

Meanwhile: has rapid fire coverage specific to the device.
PrePoint is adding historical context, comparing the new OS to ACCESS and pointing to some of the things we DON’T know about the Pre.
Pre Community is discussing both the business and technical aspects of the Pre.
PalmPreView dug up more hints from the past about the Pre.
I expect that the official Palm Developer Blog will ramp up coverage quickly, too.


5 responses to “Palm Pre FAQ”

  1. Jonathan Greene says :

    I love that your post made techmeme … rock on brother!

  2. Christopher Meinck says :

    John- We’ve created a comprehensive Palm Pre FAQ at EverythingPre. It was created with the help of our user community and information gleamed from my meetings with Palm at CES.

    It might be helpful to some as it’s easy to search.


  3. Jos says :

    On the Treo 755 using Palm software, the phone screen has four boxes which, when scrolled down gives you 14 “Favorites” shortcut buttons. Is there anything like this to quickly access frequently called numbers – other than typing in names and then clicking on that? Seems like it was faster/easier on the 755 unless it’s here and I just don’t know it.

  4. jtokash says :

    Jos: From a recent email of tips from Palm…

    Tip #3: Creating a speed dial

    While viewing a person’s contact info, tap Set Speed Dial from the application menu. Next tap the phone number and then tap the number key you wish to use as the speed dial. Now from either the Launcher, Card View or Phone, simply press and hold the speed dial key to make your call.

    Tip #4: Adding a contact entry to
    the Launcher

    By adding your favorite contacts to the Launcher, you can access them quickly. And it only takes a second to do. Just select a contact, open the application menu and tap Add to Launcher. Edit the first and last name as you want them to appear in the Launcher then tap Add to Launcher.

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